Headshot of Melissa Cheng

Melissa Cheng

Email: mcheng4@mail.sfsu.edu
Location: HUM 378

Please consult your course syllabus or contact the instructor directly for office hours.

Melissa Cheng graduated with a B.A. in Communication Studies and a minor in Marketing from San Francisco State University as a first-generation college student. Additionally, they have prior experience with social media copywriting & copyediting, personal injury & property law admin, and sales. They are in the M.A. program of the Communication Studies Department, where they also teach COMM 150 as a graduate teaching assistant. Melissa’s interdisciplinary and qualitative approach to research covers areas of queer (inter)cultural communication, rhetorical communication, sexualities & communication, gender & communication, race & communication, and Asian American Studies. Their master’s thesis under development is titled Queer Intercultural Identity Among Chinese Americans in California


When Melissa is not studying or teaching, some things they enjoy are conceptualizing nail art, researching media and pop culture, and getting involved in social advocacy.